Investment Tools
Explore our free tools to help you build and manage your investment portfolio effectively.

This is the ETF catalog linked to the Portfolio Builder (Asset Allocation Form). Any investment line within the allocation form is a direct link to the ETF Catalog, allowing you to scroll and pick your choice within a category.
Enter your Investor Profile, currency, amount to invest & geographic zone. The system now creates a draft portfolio, fully in line with your input. The suggested ETF's are NOT investment advice, but give a head start to refine, dig deeper and make your own final investment choices.
Identify your investor Profile with an easy investor profile assessment. Don't worry, there are no wrong answers.
Check out the broker and bank list to identify a suitable platform for your investments. Do your homework as this can save you money !
Free tool for subscribers only. The YTM (Yield to Maturity) bond calculator is for non-professional use only and is limited by default to bonds with annual coupons.
Same outlay as the Portfolio Builder but as a blank template where you can enter any ETF, mutual fund or direct investments, and where you provide name, currency and last price. On the right, you still have access to the ETF catalog, all ou need to do there is choose the geographical zone and the asset type.
Empowering Investors with tools