Daily Asset Allocation
Acronyms explained :
GDP = Gross Domestic Product and is used to determine the "weight" of each country.
EQ = Equity, stocks
GDP bias gives you a choice which zone you want to get more weight in your allocation. Every investor has a natural geographical investment bias depending on where he/she lives :
World = a totally neutral GDP weight attribution, fitting for a true global investor
EMEA = Europe, Middle East and Africa : more weight is given to this zone
AMER = Americas (North and Latin) get more GDP weight in this setting
APAC = Asia Pacific countries get more GDP weight
An example
An investor living in Germany (EMEA zone)
Having a balanced investor profile
will find his grid in the second row of blocks (all balanced profiles) and EMEA is found in every second column.
Daily Macro Heatmap
This map shows you in a glance 40 countries that we monitor for:
Their last known annual GDP in comparable USD millions
Their GDP growth TREND based on current growth and a 1-year forward looking forecast
Their Inflation TREND based on current inflation and a 1-year forward looking forecast
The forecast period is noted as 4Q (4 Quarters).
Economic cycle
Based upon gdp growth and inflation TRENDS we get an idea of in which phase the economic cycle a country most likely is.
Preferred Asset Types for a given point in the economic cycle
A given asset type tends to perform better in a certain point of an economic cycle :
Equity when Growth trends Up and Inflation trends Down
Commodities when Growth trends Up and Inflation trends Up
Cash when Growth trends Down and Inflation trends Up
Bonds when Growth trends Down and inflation trends Down
At the bottom of the map you can see the corresponding preferred asset type.

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