Dear investor, welcome !
I'm Paul, a retired Baby Boomer Banker with 40+ years of experience in finance, and had the pleasure to manage investment portfolios in major European and US financial institutions. That put to work 7 languages & degrees in financial analysis, business administration and linguistics.
So, why even bother to create this website?
A few years ago I suddenly got into an animated chat between Baby Boomers and Gen-Z at a family gathering. Four of us are finance professionals, seems that's all we know to do in the family. To my surprise, the Gen-Z folks said they wouldn't even think of going to a bank or financial advisor if they had money to invest.
The Gen-Z solution ? "There must be an app for that." That slightly shocked me at first but, more importantly, got me curious. So I started looking around for free, easy & ready-to-use investment apps. But alas, nothing really ticked all of my (maybe too demanding) boxes. Upon that startling observation, I decided to do 3 things:
1. Write Finance Apps (the app-etizer)
To my own surprise I was able to build two apps, admittedly assisted by AI, where I discovered and learned about the power of a good prompt. The first app is a YTM bond calculator, next came an investor-profile-assessment app of which a simple version is made available to use for free on this website. Since launch, 2 new ones have been created and incorporated on this site under Tools / Fun Calculators.
Status : done.
2. Create MyInvestmentAssistant.com
The goal was, is, and continues to be to simplify the overall investment process, especially for beginners and/or those with more limited means. The setup and layout of the site is easy to grasp, yet detailed enough to help anyone build their very own ETF investment portfolio, even from scratch.
Disclaimer: the site does NOT give investment advise in any form whatsoever. Investors do get a nice headstart by using the PortfolioBuilder tool, offering them the means and path towards making informed individual investment choices.
Status : done
3. Write a book
"Young Investors" is already written but will only be published if & when this website gains sufficient traction. The book is a tale of how disruptions changed and continue to reshape our world (change is the only constant), offering tutorials to fill basic investment knowledge gaps. Subscribers obviously will get a discount.
Status : done, yet to be published
I now hear you thinking : why on earth do all this?
Because I feel that it is time for me to give back and help out all those who have a genuine interest in investing. And more selfishly, it keeps my "little grey cells" ( Thank you Hercule Poirot ) busy and at safe distance from boredom. It is also very important to me that those with less means are not left behind in the backwoods or shark-infested waters.
Last but not least, all the tools and info you find on this website can be used by novices and professionals alike. Check it out. This being said, if you even have a shadow of a doubt regarding any of your investments, do consult a professional (fiscal or financial adviser)!
A heartfelt thank you for your interest.
Invest wisely and stay curious !
Founder note
Empowering Investors with tools