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As long as the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.
Purpose of MyInvestmentAssistant
What we do
This website is a totally private initiative providing a purely educational and informative websites together with a number of basic tools, enabling investors to build an ETF investment portfolio, by providing a template and showing investors where to find the information they need and dig deeper to make their very own informed investment choices. Their individual investment choices remain the unique, personal and full responsibility of the individual investor. Under no circumstances can we be held responsible nor liable for investment choices of website visitors or persons or entities related to them. We assist investors by providing tools but do not give investment advice in any form or format under any circumstances.
What we do NOT do
At the moment of website launch, this was, is and continues to be a purely private initiative. This informative website is not created nor supported by a company or firm by any definition.
I or this website
do NOT give, directly nor indirectly, investment advice in any form or format, nor should any content on this website in no way whatsoever be interpreted or presented as investment advice.
do not offer any financial products or services
do not sell financial products or services
do not sell, advise or act as consultant
Affiliate programs, sponsored links and ads
At the time of website launch, the website did not contain any sponsored links, nor was there an affiliate program in place, nor did the website contain ads. If and when this would change, sponsored links and affiliate programs will be clearly and transparently qualified and fully disclosed as such. We can under no circumstance be held responsible for individual choices of visitors (or any their contacts), clicking on posted links and subsequently engaging in proposed products or services from sponsored links, affiliate links or ads on this website.
Use of PortfolioBuilder© tool
This tool is a template where an investable amount is broken down into smaller portions, fully in line with an asset allocation resulting from the investor's risk profile and preferred geographical weighting bias that he entered into the settings. This template provides by no means any form of investment advice nor is it an expression of a preference for any given ETF, but gives investors a decent basis for work to start from. The template may contain prefilled fields with ETF examples that belong to a given asset class and geograhical zone. Prefilled fields, if any, do NOT constitute investment advice nor do they reflect a preference from MyInvestmentAssistant.
Use of ETF Catalog tool
The non-exhaustive ETF Catalog lists a number of ETF's in the following categories
Multi-asset and multi-zone. This is the only block NOT linked to the PortfolioBuilder tool
Commodities worldwide
Bonds - EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
Bonds - AMER (Americas, i.e. North and Latin America
Bonds - APAC (Asia Pacific)
Equity - EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
Equity - AMER (Americas, i.e. North and Latin America)
Equity - APAC (Asia Pacific)
This catalog is NOT investment advice nor does the order of listing reflect any preference from this website. The list is merely a starting point showing a few examples of what exists and paves a path for further investigation and discovery.
IMPORTANT: ETF examples that show up in this tool
do NOT take into account where an investor lives
do NOT take into account if a given ETF is registered for distribution in the investor's country.
It is without exception the resposibility of the individual investor to verify with his or her financial platform provider (bank, broker, tradingplatforms etc) if a given ETF is
(a) accepted on the financial provider's platform
(b) can be traded on his or her account
Use of YTM bondcalculator
Myinvestmentassistant.com contains a basic YTM (Yield To Maturity) bond calculator. Access to this tool is restricted to subcribers only and is password protected. We cannot be obliged to put this tool at the disposal of non-subscribers should we not wish to do so.
The bondcalculator is NOT a professional grade calculator and has its very own limitations. It only calculates a YTM (Yield To Maturity) for plain vanilla bonds that have an annual coupon. The calculated YTM is a decent approximation but we cannot guarantee full accuracy.
Coupon frequency : it will not give correct results when users try to calculate yields for bonds with monthly, quarterly or semestrial coupons, nor for issues with a first "long" coupon i.e. to be paid out in more than a year.
YTC (Yield To Call) : the result will only reflect a YTM yield calculation assuming that a user enters the first call date as the final maturity date. The real yield of such a callable bond may differ depending whether the bond is called or not, and we cannot guarantee accuracy of the result.
Use of Broker List
Actually, this list considers banks, brokers and trading platforms allowing their self-directed clients to enter transactions themselves. We try to identify platforms that have low admin (e.g. custody fees) and transaction costs so that investors can compare and further investigate which provider would be best fit for them. We cannot be held responsible nor are we liable for choices made by investors.
The list of financial providers available in each country is non-exhaustive and does not constitute investment advice either. The accuracy cannot be guaranteed as this is an ever evolving situation changing almost daily. This content was created to the best of our knowledge when investigating the topic.
Financial providers that are not on our list can submit a request to be shown on our list, and provide us with the basic information (see headers of the broker list) so that we can investigate and evaluate. It is up to us to decide whether we do or do not add such a provider to the list, and can under no circumstances whatsoever be forced to incorporate them in this overview.
Financial providers who are on the list, may feel that some of the posted information is not accurate or obsolete. In this case, they can contact us via the contact form at first, briefly explaining what they would like to see changed. In case they wish to send (an) attachment(s) proving their case, this can be forwarded to paul@myinvestmentassistant.com
Use of Asset Allocation Grids
Our proprietary asset allocation grids are updated on a nearly daily basis. They form a basic tool suggesting but not advising, how a portfolio could be allocated over several asset classes and geographical zones, whilst staying in line with a chosen investor profile and geographical weighting preference.
These allocations also feed the Portfolio Builder© tool, activating a suggested asset allocation set in line with the choices the investors entered in the PortfolioBuilder©. This is a purely informative tool. The output is a result of many variables leading to a reasonable suggestion which under no circumstances can be considered as investment advice.
Use of any provided tool in general
Future tools will be subject to identical disclaimers as the above. We assume that by entering this website, users acknowledge and fully accept the limits of tools provided, and we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate. These tools are not intended for professional use, and we can never be held responsible for decisions investors make based upon information and tools posted in myinvestmentassistant.com.
It's all in the name really:
This site aims to assist but does NOT advise on investments.That remains the full responsibility of the individual investor.
Empowering Investors with tools